Messages from beyond / Spirit contact

The moment in which we realize that we can reconnect to what was once believed to be lost, holds an incredible healing power. Contact with the afterlife grants you, among other things, the answer to the question "Is there life after death?". Furthermore, these connections can shine a light to illuminate your path.

Messages from beyond / Spirit contact
with Sue Dhaibi
Dauer: 30 Mins / 55 Mins
Wabern CH, Skype/Phone/Zoom
Price 150.-- / 280.-- CHF

appointment request

We are currently scheduling appointments for June 2025 and onwards. Due to high demand, we are unable to expand the waiting list for short-term appointments at this time. We appreciate your interest and look forward to receiving your appointment request.


Connecting with contacts in the afterlife is a mystical moment that can be absolutely life changing! As a mental medium, I use my mind to attune myself to you and your contacts during the session. I am awake, and fully conscious. As soon as I have connected with the spirit world, you will receive a brief overview of all of the connections that I can make for you at that point in time. This can be relatives, loved ones, or acquaintances who have passed over. In most cases, this will also include someone that you have been hoping to make contact with. If not, then I can purposely zoom in on someone there for you. There is no guarantee, but experience has shown it to be very rare that I cannot contact someone there for you.


Please hold back from giving me any information in advance regarding possible contacts from the beyond with whom you would like to speak. As soon as the connection is there, I can convey the messages to you from the spirit world.

These can include the following topics:

Help with current problems
such as partnership, job, family, etc.

Mourning / afterlife contacts
Information regarding the life of your loved ones in the spirit world. Unresolved questions and worries associated with the death of a loved one

Current situation / life counseling

Snapshot of the current situation with prospects for various aspects of your own potential


Please do not provide any information in advance!

Please note that the spirit world decides which information is intended for you. It is the same way with the departed; they will decide whether or not they are ready to contact you. So, you don’t have to worry about disturbing the peace of the deceased.

The future is not set in stone. Peering into the future is not an exact science! Glimpses of future events can come through during the sessions, but you are always responsible for how you deal with the information received and what personal decisions you make in your life.

I hold myself and my work up to a very high standard, therefore it is essential to me to know as little as possible in advance about you or your loved ones in the afterlife. I also see this as a positive confirmation, and direct evidence of my talent for my clients, and for which I have trained over many years.



  • Preparation

    Essentially, there is no need for any special preparation prior to a session. But if you feel the need, you can get communicate in your own way with your departed loved one(s), and ask them to attend the session so that the connection is optimal.
    If you want, you can also think about what issues and/or questions are currently the most important in your life and write them down. You can take these notes with you to the meeting, but please keep them to yourself.

  • What if it doesn't work?

    If you notice that the session is completely different than you expected or in the event that I cannot establish the connection/information correctly, there is always the possibility of stopping the session altogether. In this case, we will stop the session, and you will not be charged.

  • Audio recording

    If you wish, I can record the session on a CD for you. For technical reasons, you have to manage the recording of a Skype or telephone session by yourself. It is forbidden to take pictures of the meetings.

  • Languages

    If you wish, i can speak english or spanish during the session

  • Appointments / cancellations

    Please send us an appointment request using the given form. We will provide you with options for an appointment via email or telephone. As soon as an appointment is made, we will send you an appointment confirmation via text message.
    Cancellations are only accepted if they are received at least 48 hours before the agreed upon appointment. The cancellation must always be in writing, via text message or email. The cancellation is only considered valid without charge upon confirmation from both sides.

  • Location Wabern / Bern

    Sue Dhaibi
    Gurtenbrauerei 27
    3084 Wabern, Switzerland

    Google Map